There's a nice ih mounted picker someone posted a photo of in the yesterdays tractors classifieds. Thought i'd let everyone know so they'd have a chance!
I need to find a bigger trailer, my 25' goosneck doesnt quite cut it when I'm hauling a picker and a tractor. Need one with more GVW, mines only 7 tons.
you cant get much longer than a 25' for gooseneck can you?I want one long enough to handle a mounted picker and low enough for one. And also where i can flip up wide sides like for combines.. probably would be bumper hitch so i can use the dakota for lighter stuff and also want the deck over tilt design.lots of stuff i want to get but hauling is always a nightmare. Plus gonna have the big bucks expense of a winch. Need one that can winch a small K gleaner combine or a mounted picker on.Probably put side on it and use at harvest too. Bring down the cost some that way. Have also thought about having a extendableT on the back for hauling poles,logs and trusses.Not too much to ask! lol
Neighbor has a 30' with dual wheels and dual axles, 25000GVW, my trailer is only 14000GVW, which is kinda light for most mounted picker and tractor loads. It was ok for my M and picker, but if I get a 706 or something like that, its gonna be too light. My '97 Chevy may be too light also.
i have a 36 foot gooseneck trailer that my 1987 Chevy 6.2 Diesel could almost pull around the yard but when i want to use the traiker i use my 1986 Chevy 6.5 with a TURBO an a four speed in it my wife wont let me take here 09 2500HD. I haul my 560 with my 2MH picker on with my 1466 on the back once.