Was wonderin what the tread settings on 234 picker is looking for the inside of tire measurement? went and looked at one this weekend and didnt think to measure it. any help would be great Thanks!
lookin to mount it on my 450 Gas with 16-9-38 firestone SAT's & 7.50-16 Single front was also wonderin which sub-frame is the best the one for my app i do have a fast-hitch but way it looked either one would work kinda excited bout gettin this thing been sittin in a shed for the last 7 years on concrete comes with one husking bed and two sheller units. Still loookin for a set of side screens and supper snoot for my tractor. But i guess i have till next fall to gather all that stuff up Thanks!!!
lookin to mount it on my 450 Gas with 16-9-38 firestone SAT's & 7.50-16 Single front was also wonderin which sub-frame is the best the one for my app i do have a fast-hitch but way it looked either one would work kinda excited bout gettin this thing been sittin in a shed for the last 7 years on concrete comes with one husking bed and two sheller units. Still loookin for a set of side screens and supper snoot for my tractor. But i guess i have till next fall to gather all that stuff up Thanks!!!
Joe, the 16.9-38 will get close to the husking unit. I had about a inch clearance on my 560 with BFG 16.9-38. Also the 16.9 will be running close to the next row but they will work on 38 inch row and don't plant any closer. The sub-frame for the rock shaft is the only way to go. It took me an hour to get mine hooked up the first time and it wasn't on concrete and I have never put a picker on in my life. How's the sheller? and do you want to sell one or both?
Ill know more bout them on sunday hope to bring them home what are some wear points to look for Ill be honest im a youngster and never was around when these were the olny option for havestin a crop so when i look at a machine i see several things but not always the right things? i would like to keep one for my self but pending what i find I will be intrested in selling one of them
Well the road trip went well today we are now owners of a nice 234 picker/sheller Sn #s go as follows Front unit 0890497U008583 Husking bed 0910482U006395 Sheller#1- 0910493U003289 Sheller#2- 0910493U003762 Both shellers have the unit at the top that helps load the wagon never seen one of them before the picker has the later style of decals on it has the sub-frame with the Hyd cylinders on it i have got part of it home and hope to go get the rest later if the weather stays good post some pics tomarrow if all works well
Your shellers have the flinger attachment. My sheller has one, they work great. My sheller is not too many serial numbers newer than one of yours, 3812
Pickers: IH 2MH on Farmall 400, IH 234 on 766, IH 234 on 706, 2- 234 sheller units, 234 husker unint, 234 grinder unit, IH 34HM-20, New Idea 305 w/ husker, IH 14P pull type Shellers: Moline model E