I know this photo is slightly out of focus but felt it is worth posting anyway. I had seconds to grab the camera and try to get the shot. I'm happy it turned out as good as it is. My wife and I were traveling on Highway 60 in eastern Wisconsin yesterday when I came upon this sight. I almost asked her to turn around and go back but did not. If I'd seen the picker we would have.
Sometimes i wonder if these guys nowadays enjoyed ear corna dn all its trappings, like we do if field shelling of corn would have ever caught on. Ive thought if i have the time and inclination next spring to try some small test plots with different row sizes to see if there really is enough noticable yield increase to go to 20 " rows.I never got to try my mounted picker yet but thought if it was nessecary i would fix my planter into a 7 row 20" spacing and just use the 4 40" rows around the field and a few places thru it to open up the field with my mounted if i ever get it going and then the bulk of the field in the 20" rows.on my small scale a few bushels and being able to feed a few more pigs can be a big $ increase. Of course i need to get moved in my place and do a lot of work. Wish i was 18 again!