Small nubbins get caught between the husking rolls which make the clutch on the 325 that drives the Husking Bed slip. 1st how tight should the spring on the clutch be. 2nd how much tension on the husking rolls. I feel the problem is one the clutch spring is too loose but I don't want it too tight or the tension is incorrect on the rolls but it does a nice job of cleaning the corn. I could be missing the boat on the cause so thanks for all your help in advance.
It could be possible that your slip clutch is either worn or has gotten oil or grease in it. I would disassemble and check that. Also, it could be getting worn and needing to be tightened a bit. Also, could your husking roll bearings be getting loose causing them to have a larger gap in them at times? Do you have an operator's manual? Proper clutch adjustments should be in there. Hope this helps.