Just want to share a few pics from saturday. my son and i bought this field of corn after the guy had a corn maze. They had cut a lot of trails through it, had knocked alot of it down,and the wind had blowed alot downafter all that it still made 50 bushels per acre.
The picker in your pictures is 309 ? If it a NI 309 I have question for you or anybody else that is using one. Does your picker at the gathering chains on the left facing the picker from the front throw ears of corn out ? My 309 seems to do it on corn that ears on the stalks are not that high. My seems to waste corn when picking. I try different things to stop it with not a lot of luck. Does it worst in short corn. Thanks for any help or comments. Also nice pictures.
NO i have not had any trouble loseing ears of corn. it sounds like you may not be running the head of the picker low enough. In this patch of corn in the pics i had to run mine all the way down, to try and pick up as much as i could, a lot of it was on the ground. i am thinking about adding a hydrlic cycinder to mine so i can raise and lower it from the tractor. hope maybe this helps some.
Thanks for the replies. My picker has a hydraulic cylinder on it to raise and lower the head. I take out the two donuts I have on the hydraulic cylinder rod. I also notice if I crowd more stalks in it does not lose corn. I try to use both of those tips. I got 4 wagons loaded with corn I need to unload tomorrow before I can pick anymore. Thanks again.