First post, been reading for awhile, love all the great posts!
We just got our JD 227 in the field today, and it was working awesome...then after one row, the one side got to plugging up. Got to investigating, and the side that is plugging up, the snapping rolls are a bit wider than the other (good working side) that does not plug up. I'm thinking that since the snapping rolls were rusty, they gave them more grip, now that they're shined up, they do not have enough grip being spaced too wide.
Tried picking up and moving the adjusting lever past the top hole in the bracket, but the snapping rolls do not close anymore. So I don't think it makes much sense to play with the linkage to adjust more. The fixed snapping roll does not appear to have an adjustment. Manual does not appear to touch on adjusting snapping rolls, but surely it is possible, since the one side that is working great looks the same wear wise as the bad side-again, the bad side is just wider.
Thanks for any advice, I'm hoping we might be able to get 'er adjusted and back in the field tomorrow before the weather turns!