Hey guys I was wandering if anyone is planting twin row corn and harvesting it with a picker. I been looking in to it and a friend of mine has been planting twin rows for 3 yrs and he really likes it but he has a combine. I had two people tell me that with the twin rows being so thick the deer really don't go in the field they stay on the outsides. That another reason why I interested in it cause here in New Jersey deer damage can be really bad. I use a new idea 324 with a 329 super sheller. I was wandering if the picker would be able to handle the twin row corn? Or if would be to much for the machine cause the extra corn going in to the picker at once? I plant 36 inch and I been working on liming the ground and fertilizing good so I can try getting my yields up to 140 to 160 bushel to the acre. I been debating if I should stay with 36 in rows or go to 30 inch rows go to twin row corn on a 36 inch row.
hey i also have a 324 narrow row picker and i think the picker should pick twin row just fine its not the more ears you should be worried about.. its all the extra trash..which i think if you just slow your ground speed down a bit it will have time to take er all in, it would be like pickin in point rows all the time
thats true. I know a few times in my one field i tried to run the planter offset 8 inch to the previous pass to simulate twin rows. And the picker handled it fine. I always pick around 2.5 mph.