Ready to pick some corn
Yesterday I got my 237 mounted and pretty much field ready. One gathering chain needs a slight amount of attention and the sheet metal on the bottom end of the wagon elevator needs a small repair and it really needs a bath but other than that she's ready for the field!
Antique Engine and Tractor Assoc harvesting show
Harvesting show this weekend with rare and unusual corn pickers, North of Geneseo IL 3 miles east of Int 88 on Rt 92. Max Armstrong will be there on Friday afternoon the 12th CornPickerBob 815-761-3709
rebuilt snapping rolls
Hey guys i just got a new idea 325 with a 329 super sheller and I was wandering how do you know when its time to get the snapping rolls rebuilt? I found a company that will rebuild them, but I was wandering if it will help with the corn shelling on them and trash going into machine. Last yr when I used my 324 wit...
Stalk Chopper mounted to a picker
Here is something that I hope you guys can shed some light on. My buddy Josh found this brochure at a show, a Doane Stalk Cutter for an IH mounted picker. I have never seen nor heard of something like this. Has anybody out there ever seen, used, or know anything about this? Wow, this is crazy!!
Ford 2 row picker sheller pics
Wanted to share a couple pictures of the sheller I got painted this week. Mounted it on the 961 and picker I shared last fall. Sheller came out of Bruno, Nebraska and the guy said he can only remember his dad using it one year and it has been in the shed ever since. Got a good set of heads with it and have a 981 di...
Difference sweet corn picker vrs field corn
Hi all, Newbie here looking for a picker with for sweet corn but do not all the differences, can a field corn picker be converted to pick sweet corn? What models are out there for sweet corn? , I am pretty handy with a welder and mechanical rigging, just need a place to start. ...
Picker vs Snapper
Until I was a grown man, I never saw a picker. When I was a kid all anybody had was snappers. It wasn't until the 2 row pickers started showing up around here until I saw a husking bed, and I was assume that was just because 2 row snappers weren't available. I've been around snappers all my life and I remember...
Slowdown kit on 300 picker
Wondering if anyone has installed a gathering chain slowdown kit from calmer or hotter to try and reduce the trash coming into the picker. 3 rows and the trash it brings in gets to be to much for the picker in real good corn. thanks
NI Sheller value?
I have 315(?) sheller in the shed that should be put to use. Years ago, my dad gave me the picker and husking unit to do what I would with, but would not let me have the sheller. I was using a 2 row combine anyway. After I quit farming I sold the picker and husker to a guy (now retired and sold out) the next tow...
Snapping rollers
is there anyone that rebuilds snapping rollers on new idea picker? Mine are wore down bad and need to get them fixed.
Allis #17 picker..... Anyone here have one or any parts?
I am trying to mount my picker on a D17, and I found out today that I am missing the center lift assembly, mounts under the tractor and the list links hook to it. I was hoping to find someone that has one or one that I can copy to make myown... Thanks. Scott Bettenhausen
John Deere 120 corn snapper
I'm needing an old picker to pick several acres of field corn. The only picker local to me is a John Deere 120 snapper. I know they are semi mount but any thoughts on them? I have also found an old ford 601 picker but it's a few hours away and I know you can't get many parts for them anymore. All the New Idea pick...
Jason S
A few questions about a New Idea 324
Hello, I'm new to the forum but have always been a sucker for corn pickers. I've owned several throughout the years (NI mounted 2 row, AC 1 row, JD 100, JD 120, and a 1 row NI). I had kind of got out of row crops in the last few years but my kids wanted to plant some corn so I put out a few acres this year. I picked u...
New built corn crib
This is my crib that I'm almost completed made from dead ash from our woods that was rough cut with a portable. -- Edited by Old fashion on Thursday 28th of August 2014 07:51:34 PM -- Edited by Old fashion on Wednesday 3rd of September 2014 05:54:00 AM
Old fashion
IH 234 picker on IH 86 series tractor
Calling all picker gurus!!! My friend Josh pointed out to me a video he found on You Tube showing a "Corn Harvest on Nedell Farms 1978", In this video they show two 234 pickers picking sweet corn. If you look close enough you will see one picker is mounted to an IH 686, but the second one is mou...
Antique Harvest Days in Ottumwa, IA
The date has been set for this year's Antique Harvest Days near Ottumwa, IA. The dates are Saturday and Sunday, October 25 and 26. Location is as always on the north side of Ottumwa just off of exit 40. I will try to post more information as it gets closer to the show. All brands are welcome. Come and...
Mike Aylward
john deere 227
I found this on Craigslist, while visiting family in western New York. The previous owner had taken off his dads 520 JD, and was going to scrap it if it didn't sell. And I couldn't let that happen. He said it had always been under cover. It looks to be well taken care of. Now all I have to do is haul it 1200 mil...
Frame for Oliver 74H pixker
Looking for the subframe that mounts on an oliver tractor for a 74H picker and husker. Have the snapper and husker but no frame to mount to. Anyone have one for sale? 217-415-3347
Super snoot
Corn picker show
Is there a corn picker show in Collins, Iowa this year? If so, when? Thanks!
John Deere 227 corn picker mounted on an Allis Chalmers D17
Has anyone heard of a JD 227 corn picker being mounted on a Allis Chalmers D17? I have an opportunity to buy one but I would have to mount it on my D17. It would be a long drive to get it for no reason if I can't use it.
Unusual Cribs Near Hutchinson, MN
On Highway 15. The perforations tell me that they started life as cribs, the fans installed at the end of the troughs tell me that they have been converted to shelled corn/bean storage. -- Edited by Art From De Leon on Sunday 6th of July 2014 04:18:29 PM
Art From De Leon
All Steel double corn crib
Hi, the farm I grew up on and live today had a double corn crib that was constructed totally in steel and I'm wondering if any of you have ever seen one like it? I have pictures of it, but can't figure out how to post them from the computer I'm using now. The story goes that my Great-Grandfather saw a display a...
Brought home another 237
Got another 237 brought home today. I've had trouble getting my first one to turn freely. I was told my first one had only sat outside about a year but it was probably longer because all the gathering chains and first elevator chains are froze up pretty stiff. So I went to look at another one and ended up...
Half Century of Progress 2015 Camping
Anyone that camps at Half Century of Progress show in Rantoul IL. If you want to camp at Praire Pines Campground at south end of Airport, they are taking reservations for next years show. This is for Electric/water hook up sites. Dry camping is always available with them also with out reservatio...
Case picker/sheller
My brother is restoring a Case picker shelled like the first one shown if you goggle-"antique Case picker sheller" It is model 1-2row, serial number 420145.Can anyone tell me the year of this machine and where it was made.Thank you very much for any information.
retired farmer
FARMALL 400 & New Idea picker
Do I really want to attempt this? That thought was foremost on my mind as I sat at my worktable and looked at a SpecCast 400 to my right, and to my left, the Ertl Precision New Idea picker, recently removed from its A-C D-17 power source. New Idea touted the sub-frame as universal, for the most part, so I fig...
Still looking for snouts for a 1950s IHC 1 row picker
Anybody got them, or know where I can look for them??
im back
its ben 5 years. but i am still colacting.my wife did the computer for me. she didn;t whont anone to find the codes she hide them. found them today so i am back. she has been after me to start restoring . so putting up a new shop. secound progect going in it will be a 101 jd.
the short gathering chains on a 325
hey all, i'm in the process of rebuilding the short gathering chain gear boxes and bearings and all that good stuff and i found out why the chains quit working. i had a bearing out of the gear box and when i got to looking at it i noticed somebody couldnt get the bearing to stay in place so they welded it f...
Anybody doing any planting?
I got about a half acre of sweet corn put in tonight with the 60 and 290 planter. Anyone else doing any planting? I'd love to see some pictures!